Its been far too long.

I haven’t been on since 2010, to be honest, I forgot about my blog.

Too much has happened in that time from early retirement to several surgeries in less than 2 years.

I’ll try to keep active but no promises.

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Things I’ve seen over the past 2 months

Since it’s been that long, there’s a lot that’s been going on in the city.

The Indy came and went, without much hassle, but there are construction nightmares all over the city.

The biggest crunch is the long term construction on the Gardiner, where they’re taking out the Jamieson bridge, and merging all the lakeshore traffic onto one side forever.  Great if you like to see a whole lot of oncoming traffic that never used to be there.

Everywhere I go, there’s construction, it’s hard to plan a route with it all.

What else?

The statistical failure rate at the Brampton Drive test facility, that’s what.  They added another name to their list, mine!  I don’t know Brampton from a hole in the ground, I certainly haven’t driven there before.  So not knowing the highway or the rest of the roads, I was at a disadvantage.  I wont even go into it, it’s far too much.

Long story short, I have to start the license process all over again, not sure how, with no money, but I’ll figure it out.

More idiot drivers out there.  I have no idea what’s wrong with them.  On Monday I went downtown to run an errand and meet up with a friend.  When we were done, I waited for a streetcar that wasn’t coming.  Had no idea why until I got a block from where I got on.

The police were blocking the entire road, down the street was a dump truck and more police.  No idea who was at fault, but the dump truck hit a grandmother and child in a stroller.  It’s a slow speed road, they’re both lucky to be alive, but still.  These dump truck drivers really need to watch and pay more attention.

Earlier that day I was down near where that incident took place, and there were  a bunch of irate drivers honking incessantly at a truck driver who was just sitting there, all but parked on a green light.  I wonder if it was the same driver who hit that woman.

Ugh, I’m too tired to post any more, I’m going to take a nap to conserve some energy for the move tomorrow.  It will be an extremely long day.

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July was my last time posting? September 1st

I have had a ton on my mind lately,  I just can’t get over how long it’s been since I’ve posted anything.

So lets see what’s transpired since my last posting.

Hmm, well it looks like I got my wish about not driving, haha, I lost my license thanks to my lapse in judgement, letting it expire and failing my road test.  So I’ve been the passenger lately, but it’s ok, it gives me time to relax instead of drive.

Went and looked at a house early in July, got accepted, signed the lease, and we’re moving tomorrow.  That’s another reason why I haven’t been online here.

It’s been busy to say the least, and will be even busier tomorrow.

I’m going to post back on topic now, just wanted to provide a quick update.

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July 14th

I’ve missed a few days, but it’s been busy so you can’t blame me at all.

I noticed yesterday how dangerous the intersection at Jane and Eglinton truly is.  It’s been mentioned in the past that it’s one of the most dangerous, and it lived up to it’s name yesterday with a 3 car/pickup truck pileup by the bus stop.

Despite it being in the turn lane, it still caused a backup in traffic, during morning rush hour no less.  The buses couldn’t stop safely because of the 3 vehicles being there.

Ugh, the city is full of idiot drivers.

The next few days will be chaotic on the roads, with the Honda Indy blowing through town, part of Lakeshore will be closed for the races being held.  It’s fun to watch the cars flying by, but rather annoying when you need to get places and you can’t.

Sounds like another G20 weekend, haha.

Speaking of which, the aftermath hasn’t been pretty.  The top 10 wanted list has been released from that weekend, and they’ve already arrested one guilty party in the riots.

A firebug is at it again, torching garages, years ago, one did the same thing, damaging garages and destroying many cars.  Sure hope they find this jerk.

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July 10th, 2010- Sunday drivers on a Saturday

Today was a rather annoying day on the roads, in more ways than one.

My boss and I had an argument over which way to go when we discovered we were in traffic behind an accident.  I tried telling her that if we went the way she insisted, we’d be sitting for a while, she tried telling me we’d be sitting longer if we continued through the accident scene.  But I was right, while traffic was moving slow, it was still moving, moreso than where she wanted to go.

Prior to that, we witnessed a rear ender, some dork doesn’t know how to drive, crashed into another car, and a huge argument ensued.  But we all know who’s at fault, the guy who rear ended the other guy.  Gee, way to not know how to drive.

Then there was this guy who was hell bent on going through a red light, almost lambasted us across the street just as we got through when the light had turned from yellow to red.  Ugh, it wouldn’t have been a pretty sight, my passenger side would have been destroyed.

One asswipe decided he was going the wrong way, cut in front of me to turn, overtook 2 lanes without even signaling his intentions!!  He could have caused a huge accident, but I don’t think he really cared.

I’m really getting tired of driving in this city.

Some other stupid things, I heard them on the radio today.  The G20 summit has been over for 2 weeks, yet there are still protesters, trying to “take back” their streets, but what for?  The fences are down already, what’s there to take back?  They just caused traffic headaches for everyone driving downtown today.  They are selfish.

Then there’s the old lady who stuck needles into packages of suasages in west end grocery stores.  She’s being charged with mischief.  I think the charges should be more than that, she could have killed people, but she clearly didn’t care, she just wanted attention, but got it the wrong way.

What’s wrong with people today?

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Part 2: July 9th

When driving through a major city like Toronto, you really have time to notice some of the trash on the streets, and I don’t mean litter.

There are several trashy types of people out there, they have no sense of how to act, dress or do anything in this city. You get your run of the mill trailer trash, and you get those who don’t know how to dress.

Last week we were driving down Wellesley street at Jarvis and this woman was walking across the street.  She was an accident waiting to happen, what she was wearing, rather, lack of, was enough to distract any driver.  Here was this old lady, 60’s-70’s, wearing some sort of top that exposed her upper half.  She was not wearing a bra, and all you could see where her boobs, no other way to say it.  Her top had holes cut into it to expose them!!  Yikes, not something I wanted to see after a long day of work.

Today, I was in the mall after my workout, buying a few needed items.  I don’t know if the woman was pregnant or fat, but she was wearing a skimpy top that exposed her fat midsection.  My boss, seeing that, would have told her to put on a maternity top, or at least some clothes.  She’s been known to yell that out the window of the car on occasion.

Today, I almost got rear ended by a driver who simply wasn’t paying attention.  She was driving over the speed limit, and swerving back and forth behind me when she hit the brakes.  I was stopping for a red light, and I was out into the crosswalk when I stopped.

How blind, dumb and stupid can you be to not read signs that are large enough to see, even while driving?  There are signs on light poles saying no bikes allowed on sidewalks as per the municipal code in the city.  However, dumb shits insist on riding on the sidewalk, despite there being bike lanes around.  One guy a few days ago was stopped by a police officer for exactly that reason.  Duh!  There’s a reason why they’re called sideWALKS!!!  Wheels belong on the roads, not where people walk.

I don’t know about people sometimes.

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What I’ve noticed: July 9th, 2010

It’s a bleak, dreary rain day, but it means I don’t have to work, which is nice.

It’s been far too hot to work, but we’ve had to, and we do it with our complaints, groaning and moaning, and looking at the time, just waiting for the day to end.

But it’s cooler out there today with the rain, if it wasn’t raining, it would be a pleasant day to be cutting grass, which is what we’d be doing.

I’m taking her to the garden center, then I’m going to the gym, then we’re going to look at a job that needs damage control, since the goofball she hired, really destroyed the work.

This guy, I can’t get over him.  My cell phone rang yesterday, we were in the parking lot at a Timmies, and it was the police.  How they got my number was beyond me.  But this guy is wanted for theft and fraud now, and they thought my number was his.  I can’t believe he had the nerve to give my phone number out.

Ugh, so now, I have to deal with these things, as if I wasn’t busy enough with other things.

That’s it for now, I have to head out soon.

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So this is my blog

Haha, what a world we live in, eh?

My boss said the other day that I should start a website about things we see during our days at work.

She then went on and did a running commentary about a dog doing his business, lol.

I told her I’d do this, seriously.  But without the dog business commentary.  I mean, who wants to know what a dog is doing while on a walk right?

So we go from here.

Enjoy and feel free to comment on any of my musings.

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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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